
Although my only sketch employment has been a brief
guest writer stint
on “Saturday Night Live,” I’ve
written a few and present three herewith.


“RESTAURANT” was an early piece that got me hired for
“Mork and Mindy.” Later, my manager Buddy Morra helped
put me on SNL just to see “Restaurant” produced, but it
proved too challenging to stage (the horse didn’t help).


I wrote “PAMELA’S BREASTS” for Pamela Stephenson
at SNL in 1984 but it didn’t make the show. A few weeks
later, another version aired (starts at :32); then 16 years
another one, this time with Britney Spears.


Pamela as Cyndi Lauper gave an in-depth analysis of a renowned Welsh poet to the tune of “She Bop”:

                             Dyl-an, Dylan Thomas Dyl-an, Dylan Thomas / Dyl-an, Dylan Thomas — / He drank.


“THE STRAIGHT GUY”: Written in the 80’s, it’s now wildly outdated but I still like it.

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