“It takes a serious mind to analyze comedy. It takes a funny mind to appreciate it. David Misch is of two minds.”
– Jason Alexander
“The perfect bedside book.”
– Carl Reiner
“Informative, insight-
ful, really funny.”
– Mark C. Miller,
The Huffington Post
“The book lives up to
its title… Brilliant.”
– Aimee Levitt,
The Chicago Reader
A wide-ranging, fun-packed look at the principles and practice
of comedy, from its origins in pre-history to the worlds
of movies, TV, prose, theater, stand-up, and jokes.
Exploring the historical, mythological, anthropological, biological, neuro-
logical, psychological, philosophical, and even theological underpinnings
of humor, the author concludes that (spoiler alert!) Comedy is God.
The single most popular book on comedy ever written by David Misch!
On sale, in print and interactive e-book, online, in bookstores, and
wherever fine (and, let’s be honest, some really sucky) books are sold.
Fair warning: This book’s old URL, funnythebook.com, has been taken
over by what appears to be an unauthorized, AI-generated “promotional”
page, which should be ignored by all right-thinking Americans (and, to
be clear, people). Especially, BEWARE OF CLICKING ON ANY LINK ON
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