Mork & Mindy
My first real job in show biz and what a thrill: a #1 show right out of the box. Robin was brilliant, the writing staff congenial. I have stories, of course, but this isn’t the time or place. Get me drunk and I’ll tell all.

Robin Williams, Pam Dawber
Funniest line of the show, IMHO, was by writer Tom Tenowich. Our guest star was a blind singer-song- writer and we wrote some of his real-life abilities into the script; he played golf and sky-dived. “Whoa,” said Mork. “I bet the toughest part is hearing the dog scream on the way down.”
My favorite me-line was when Mork thought he had to register as an alien. He goes to the post office and fills out a form: “Name – Mork from Ork. Education – P.S. One Million Six. Graduation Date – Betty Lou Zom- bax.” Pause, then a roar from the studio audience, and I was happy to know America was laughing at a joke I made up in 7th grade.
The credited writer of a sitcom episode is lucky to get any lines in the actual show. I got lucky on “Mork’s Greatest Hit”; a lot of it’s mine. (Not the ending, but that’s another story.)
We were the most popular show in America (back when that meant about 25 million viewers) for six weeks straight and were nominated for two Emmys, including Outstanding Comedy Series.
For the legendary Season 1 blooper reel (in 1979
it was sold under the table in video stores)
(remember video stores?), click here.
For an analysis of “Mork”‘s rise and fall, click here.
Buy the DVDs – I get 8¢! (Season 1, Season 2)
Below: My Credo, from “Greetings” (see below); click image to view.
I was co-host for the live tapings, hence the incredibly
stylish ensemble of turtleneck and Ultrasuede.